The Clarity Alliance is pleased to welcome its latest members, Midlands based retailers The Little Audio Company and Frank Harvey Hi-Fi, to the ever-growing number of companies that have joined the Alliance.

The Little Audio Company is based in the vibrant Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham. Founded in 2016 by David Falkner, who has over 28 years’ experience in the audio industry, the business is focused on providing simple, reliable, easy to use audio and home theatre systems and solutions for the real world needs of music lovers and audiophiles.

Bringing an independent hi-fi store back to the centre of Birmingham for the first time since Griffin Audio closed over a decade ago, David has opened his shop to offer something different. As he says, “We offer high quality alternatives to the usual suspects available in the run-of-the-mill multiples and box-shifters.”

On joining Clarity, he comments, “We have joined the trade association to offer piece of mind to potential buyers, and to improve what we have to offer them, and help us become Birmingham’s premier independent hi-fi retailer.”

Frank Harvey Hi-Fi, which also operates the hifix brand, has been in existence since 1983 and is situated in the historic streets of Coventry. This familiar store has returned to membership of Clarity after a hiatus, during which time Frank attended the Clarity Alliance hi-fi industry conference for a couple of years as a non-member. The new direction and purpose set out by the Clarity board, to serve the industry as a traditional trade association and bring real terms benefits to members’ businesses, struck a chord with Frank who opted to re-join the Alliance.

Tom Barron, chairman of Clarity, welcomes the new members, “In this climate of high street store closures by some of the biggest names and also independent hi-fi stores, it is gratifying to see that not only has a brand-new company opened its doors, but there are long-standing retailers that have weathered the many economic storms and are going from strength to strength.” He adds, “We are delighted to welcome back Frank Harvey and to say hello to the newest retailer in the Midlands, The Little Audio Company and its owner David Falkner, and look forward to working with them both in the months and years to come.”

More information on each company can be found at: